Vereinigtes Königreich

  • Human rights in Europe – review of 2019 2019 in the heart of Europe, some states actively sought to erode the independence of the judiciary to avoid state accountability. The European Union continued to outsource border and migration control. Grave human rights risks ensued: tens of thousands of people remained exposed to conflict, violence, torture and an uncertain future in destitute conditions. Those opposing these border and migration control policies frequently faced smear campaigns, harassment, and even administrative and criminal penalties. Increasing numbers of human rights defenders, activists and independent media faced intimidation and prosecution. Expressions of dissent on the streets were often met with a range of restrictive measures and excessive use of force by police. Against this overall backdrop of intolerance and discrimination, minorities and those seeking to defend their rights were met with violence, increasing stigmatization of some communities. Survivors of sexual violence, including rape, continued to face obstacles in accessing justice. While two countries held their first ever Pride parades, there was a roll-back in a number of others on law and policies related to the rights of LGBTI people.

    Downlaod the full report in here: Europe: Human rights in Europe – review of 2019
    (available in Slovak, Czech, French, Greek, Slovenian, Hungarian, Spanish, English, Greek)

  • Extinction rebellion blanket ban chilling and unlawful

    On Monday evening, the Metropolitan Police issued a revised section 14 order saying demonstrators protesting in London after 21:00 BST could be arrested.
    Allan Hogarth, Head of Advocacy and Programmes at Amnesty International UK, said:
    “Imposing a blanket ban on Extinction Rebellion protests is an unlawful restriction on the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Under UK and international human rights law, the Government has an obligation to facilitate the exercise of these rights.
    “The majority of those protesting have been doing so peacefully, removing and prosecuting activists for engaging in non-violent direct action to raise their voice is deeply worrying. Overly harsh and disproportionate charges will have a chilling effect on rights.
    “This is a heavy-handed and unacceptable move by the Metropolitan Police. Certain disruption to ordinary life for protesting is natural, and it needs to be tolerated. The police must respect the rights of those peacefully protesting and ensure that the voices of those demanding action on tackling the climate crisis are allowed to be heard.”
    As of Monday 7 October, Extinction Rebellion has been calling for a two-week “International Rebellion” across the world. Media and observers have reported concerns over heavy handed policing; mass arrests, including preventive arrests; use of vaguely defined criminal offences against climate activists across Europe.

  • Nordirland: riesiger Schritt für Abtreibungsrechte und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe nach Abstimmung des Londoner Unterhauses

    Die Abgeordneten im Unterhaus des britischen Parlaments haben mit 328 zu 65 Stimmen für einen Gesetzentwurf zur Liberalisierung der Abtreibungsrechte und Legalisierung der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe gestimmt. Diese Reformen sind nun in den entsprechenden Vorlagen festgehalten. In den nächsten Stufen durchläuft der Entwurf eine Abstimmung im Oberhaus und eine finale Abstimmung im Unterhaus. Dann treten die Reformen in Kraft.

    Patrick Corrigan, Direktor von Amnesty International in Nordirland, sagt dazu: „Die Abgeordneten im Unterhaus des britischen Parlaments haben mit einer überwältigenden Mehrheit dafür gestimmt, die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe und liberalisierte Abtreibungsrechte in Nord Irland einzuführen. Dies ist ein riesiger Schritt für die Menschenrechte. Die Ehe für alle und die Abtreibungsreform sind jetzt fester Bestandteil des Gesetzesentwurfs, der zum Gesetz wird, sobald er die finale Abstimmungsrunde im Parlament durchläuft. Die Reformen und die Verwirklichung unserer Rechte sind zum Greifen nah.“

    Nordirland: riesiger Schritt für Abtreibungsrechte und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe nach Abstimmung des Londoner Unterhauses

26. August 2019