Vor Ablauf der Frist von 20 Uhr für den spanischen Rapper Pablo Hasél, um sich der Polizei zu stellen und eine Haftstrafe für seine...
Rückschrittliches Abtreibungsgesetz in der Slowakei stoppen!
Combatting regressive abortion bill in Slovakia Why are we doing the action The Slovak parliament is currently discussing a regressive abortion bill which would...
In 2020, Malta has failed to protect the human rights of refugees and migrants at sea. The Maltese government’s approach has consisted of avoiding...
Northern France: in the midst of the health crisis, migrants’ rights defenders are still harassed
In the context of the Covid-19 health crisis, human rights defenders play a crucial role in ensuring that the fight against the pandemic is...
France: Alarming illegal police practices during quarantine
We have authenticated fifteen videos that show illegal use of force by some law enforcement personnel during the lockdown. Racist or homophobic insults, the...
Erklärung von Amnesty International zum Gesetzesvorhaben vom 6. April 2020 über die Sonderregelungen zur Durchführung der allgemeinen Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020
Amnesty International veröffentlicht diese Erklärung, um die Aufmerksamkeit des Gesetzgebungsausschusses, des Ausschusses für Menschenrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Petitionen und der Kommission für lokale Regierung und...
Amnesty International Statement on the project of the act of 6th of April 2020 about the extraordinary regulations concerning holding the 2020 general presidential election
Amnesty International releases this statement to draw the attention of the Legislative Committee, the Human Rights, Rule of Law and Petitions Committee and the...
Amnesty International Poland statement on the May 2020 Presidential Election in Poland
In response to the current developments considering the planned May 2020 Presidential Election in Poland, the director of Amnesty International Poland Draginja Nadaždin has...
Human rights in Europe – review of 2019
In 2019 in the heart of Europe, some states actively sought to erode the independence of the judiciary to avoid state accountability. The European...
Spain to become tenth country in Europe to define rape as sex without consent
Following the announcement by the Spanish government today of a new bill on comprehensive responses to sexual violence, including a reform of the legal...